Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Failed Attempt

While in the bank today
I was all smiles and hellos.
I mentioned the weather,

the cashier reciprocated.
There were long, "Yeahhh"s
and short controlled bursts

of surface-to-surface eye contact.
All the appropriate civil chivalry
before the passing of numbers.

Stamping and key punching underway
and I am already half way through
knowing where each camera is perched.

I will have to keep my head down,
wear a hat and sunglasses, skip the
weather report and slide the note.

I will Strunk and White that note,
"I am a bomb, pass the cash."
Sustained eye contact, through Ray Bans.

Then I notice a basket of Dum Dums and
nestled between a cherry and a grape,
the Coup de Grace, the cream soda.

And have a nice day, here is your balance.
The cashier is done and I am yawning
to mask my nervous grabbing of the sucker.


Blogger epalmer said...

I will Strunk and White that note,
"I am a bomb, pass the cash."
Sustained eye contact, through Ray Bans.


11:10 AM  
Blogger J Eisenback said...


12:10 PM  

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