Friday, October 07, 2005

A Sestina On Six Words By Patsy Cline (by Jeremy)

When you feel there are too many people, wait till midnight
Walk on your own down the streets and feel strange
Alone with God, the deer, the skunks, the stars and the crazy
Spiders hard at work on homes made of sticky string
Unlucky moths caught and spun by multitasking arms
Vigilant eyes kept open to see what is under the stars for you

Before nightfall she falls apart speaking to you
Eyes roll backwards and you have departed before midnight
Her face is in the stars and you reach upwards with your arms
The stars close their eyes and the satellites think you look strange
Funny, ‘cause they are nothing but metal tied to gravity’s string
There’s a Russian monkey in a rocket that thinks you are crazy

She is only a girl, but it’s the stolen rib that makes you crazy
Like everybody else, she cannot see what is inside you
A heart wrapped like a baseball, no cover, just string
Spun, spun, spun and wrapped, till the color of midnight
And when you see a heart that looks shiny you feel strange
Fear, with a shovel, buries your head in your arms

You recognize the spinning, the multitasking, the spider arms
What you would give now to be alive and well and crazy
The Russian monkey realizing, it is I, not he, that is strange
Or for satellites to die, plummet to the street, and fall on you
High-def broadcasts of you departing from her at midnight
Your fingers start looking for the end, the beginning of the string

Scratch, tug, pull, tear, rip, slash, shred, slice, cut, carve, the string
Round and round and round, spooling it up your arms
God, the deer, the skunks, the stars, watch you turn midnight
All but your heart, shining now, the Russian monkey going crazy
Eight-legged orbit puts things into perspective for you
And you snorkel with that rib now, and she feels strange

Exposed like a stubbed toe, murder of the bondage feels strange
Held back like a levee, thus the power of one long string
Dilated eyes in the grass glow by the light of you
Spools of defensive thread adorn your arms
Hourglasses on the black backs of widow spiders spin like crazy
A universe full of monkeys closing shielded eyes at midnight


Blogger J Eisenback said...


one of those lines is mine, scribbled down in some journal in a past life. it has to be. how else could it reverberate as an echo to the things i can't put words to?

or maybe thats it, you desribed something that cannot be described with mere words.

those weren't mere words.

11:12 AM  
Blogger J Eisenback said...

im listening to a band called okkervil river, also the new death cab for cutie.

11:42 PM  
Blogger Enigma Productions Photography said...

SES•TI•NA [se'stene}

noun Prosody
a poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line-ends in the six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern, and with all six words appearing in the closing three-line envoi

Origin mid 19th cent.: from Italian

"the little lights they aren't twinkling"

9:11 AM  
Blogger Enigma Productions Photography said...


9:12 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

i spit on the tercet.


9:29 AM  

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