Monday, March 27, 2006

Newspaper Walls

I do not live in
an apartment down
with leather chairs
reeking of smoke
and old

I do not live in
a dirty
rats, you know,
rats, kind of
weekly motel
with yellow ceilings

I do not live in
the country, in an
sitting at a lead-base-painted window
or drinking FOLGERS
on my porch

I do not live in
a shack
on the
Coeur D' lane

I live in a neighborhood where
drive by every so often.


Blogger Allie said...

i live in a neighborhood where groundhogs eat my basil plants.

3:29 PM  
Blogger epalmer said...

I live in a neighborhood where basil plants eat my groundhogs.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Chris Sigmon said...

first off, i wanna be pegg when i grow up.... i'm just sayin...

oh, and i pray for minivans in my neighborhood.... lately it's been cop cars like mad.....

9:39 PM  
Blogger DrD said...

Remember the neighborhood you grew up in? The constant traffic to the house two doors down? The loud music and drunken fights on the weekends? The shotgun blast to the other neighbors door? The guy in Steve and Rene's place that I am sure was selling stolen goods from? The cops? The drug bust? Seeing Mike on the security camera on the news showing him breaking into a video store? The woman that spanked you for climbing on the roof? Ah, those were the days.

12:16 AM  

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